donderdag 6 juni 2013

Beach Adell en Bikini Lylah june-release-preview-day (All That Scraps DT post )

Hallo volgers,

Vandaag voor jullie de nieuwe release van All That Scraps 
Christine had mij gevraagd of ik deze serie voor haar wou designen
Nou daar zeg ik geen nee tegen

Hello followers,
Today i have for you the new release from All That Scraps
Christine ask me if i want to design this new release in june
So..i dont say no to this question

Kom ook eens kijken in de winkel van All That Scraps naar alle leuke Tickled Pink stempels

Come and take a look at the All That Scrapsstore and take a look at all the great Tickled Pink Stamps

Tickled Pink Design Team
Do you love the Tickled Pink Lil Lads and Lolitas? Christine is looking for a few designers to work with past and future Tickled Pink stamps. 
Email her with a link to blog posts using Tickled Pink Lil Lads and Lolitas. 
Designers will be responsible for a minimum of 2 posts per month, plus posting in our gallery and Splitcoast Stampers gallery, and displaying a banner on your blog.
Please send to

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